9 Resources That’ll Make You Look Smarter About The Economy

9 Resources That’ll Make You Look Smarter About The Economy

Want to get a better grip on the big picture elements that affect your business and personal finances? Here are nine ways to easily stay informed every day.

In a shifting real estate market, the guidance and expertise that Inman imparts is never more valuable. Whether at our events, or with our daily news coverage and how-to journalism, we’re here to help you build your business, adopt the right tools — and make money. Join us in person in Las Vegas at Connect, and utilize your Select subscription for all the information you need to make the right decisions. When the waters get choppy, trust Inman to help you navigate.

Economic and financial news can sound like gibberish to the uninitiated, filled with jargon, numbers and indicators that may be tough to decipher. Just achieving a baseline understanding of how the economy works is a challenge, but then you have to follow its ups and downs and understand all of the different elements that can impact it.

Just listen to economists themselves — they often disagree with each other even on foundational principles, not to mention on temporary market movements. That can make it even more confusing and keep you from making good decisions for yourself and providing solid information to your clients.

Let these nine resources teach you the basics, keep you informed, and offer perspective on everything from your personal finances to your business operations.

A true classic, Steven Silbiger’s often-revised roundup of the information taught in the country’s most elite business schools offers you a solid overview of essential financial, legal, marketing and other business principles. It’s a fast and convenient way to get up to speed on the factors that influence your business and will help you identify any blind spots in your planning.

Want to keep up with everyday news you can use? Morning Brew comes straight to your inbox and delivers bite-sized information about the world and the economy. Simply scan the Brew on your phone for a quick information download or click through when you see a particularly interesting story that you want to learn more about.

You may be familiar with MarketWatch if you’re an NPR listener, and Barron’s is one of the great bastions of financial and economic journalism.

Between the two, they offer a range of podcasts covering everything from today’s market news to innovative and experimental ideas around money and the economy. Find a new favorite or pick and choose from among the wide variety of options available across these six podcasts.

Of course, The WSJ is essential reading for financially savvy professionals, but you may find it a bit intimidating. However, The Journal provides a wide variety of coverage, from entertainment to sports, along with commentary by distinguished and engaging columnists.

You’re sure to find something interesting here, and just a quick scan each day will make you feel more caught up on the world of finance.

If you’re looking for a deep dive into the way that politics, sociology and the environment impact the economy, The Economist has been the one to watch since it was founded in 1843.

Here you’ll get a broader perspective on the complexities of our changing world and how they impact the economy, both in the short term and long term.

Not to shamelessly plug, but rather to inform you of all of the benefits of your Select subscription, Inman offers ongoing education on the economy, finances, mortgage and more in the form of individual stories, hubs, newsletters (straight to your inbox weekly) and events. 

Bookmark this page to ensure that you’re always up to date on Inman stories that are specifically focused on financial and economic factors. You’ll learn how the broader economy impacts real estate, and vice versa, and build your expertise so that you can share more informed insights with your clients and colleagues. 

Sign up for our weekly Wednesday newsletter Extra Credit, curated by Matt Carter, for the latest happenings in the mortgage space, including interest rate fluctuations.

Plus, don’t miss your chance to connect in person at Inman Connect Las Vegas, Aug. 3-5. Thousands of agents, brokers, tech, and finance pros will be there for you to expand your network and do more deals. In a complex and rapidly evolving market, Inman Connect is your resource to navigate a shifting market and thrive into the future. Register now before prices go up.

Can’t make it to Vegas? Inman also has virtual events in which economists and top industry professionals frequent the stage. Whether you can attend on the day, or you’re just in it for the replays post-event, Connect Now is another way to stay on top of the news.

Want to go back to school and get a foundational education in economics without ever stepping foot in a classroom? Khan Academy offers curricula in both AP-level and standard micro- and macro-economics so that you can experience a systematic and comprehensive approach to your economic self-education.

University lectures and courses

Want to go even further? Many distinguished universities offer publicly available, free lectures and courses. Get access to thought leaders, and find out what they’re saying at Harvard, Yale, Wharton, Stanford and other centers of higher learning.

Your personal financial adviser

The best way to find out more about how the larger economy affects you and your business is to connect with a financial adviser. They’ll help you understand the implications of tax policy, inflation, and other financial factors on your own pocketbook, so you can put your knowledge to work.

Christy Murdock is a Realtor, freelance writer, coach and consultant and the owner of Writing Real Estate. She is also the creator of the online course Crafting the Property Description: The Step-by-Step Formula for Reluctant Real Estate Writers. Follow Writing Real Estate on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

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