Collabra Technology Debuts Real Estate Marketing Platform RElumio

Collabra Technology Debuts Real Estate Marketing Platform RElumio

RElumio is available through partnerships with MLSs and Realtor associations, designed to make it easy for agents to share marketing materials.

Real estate marketing startup Collabra Technology  has launched a new digital platform that will be available to agents via partnerships with their MLSs and Realtor associations, the company announced Wednesday.

Nobu Hata

The platform, dubbed RElumio, includes what Collabra described in a statement as a “complete digital marketing package” for listings. That specifically means it can provide websites for listings, digital flyers and other marketing materials. The platform has been designed around the idea of automation and making it easy for agents to share their marketing materials, the statement adds.

At the time of its launch Wednesday, RElumio will be available to the more than 8,000 members of the Denver Metro Association of Realtors (DMAR). In the statement DMAR CEO Nobu Hata said “we are proud to be the first Realtor association to offer this technology exclusively to our members in the Denver metro.”

RElumio is only available via partnerships with MLSs and Realtor associations and not directly to agents. There is no cost to the MLSs and associations for partnering with Collabra and offering RElumio. Instead, Collabra charges agents $39.99 for each listing for which they use RElumio’s marketing packages. For DMAR members, Collabra is also offering an introductory price of $19.99.

Collabra formed in 2018 when marketing software makers Proxio and TourFactory merged. The company currently makes a variety of marketing tools geared to agents, brokerages and larger real estate organizations.

Russ Cofano

Last year, Collabra hired real estate veteran Russ Cofano to serve as CEO. Cofano previously worked as the president and general counsel of eXp World Holdings and as president and co-founder of app-based brokerage Real.

In Wednesday’s statement, Cofano said that automated digital marketing technology is gaining momentum in other industries, but that real estate “is still lagging in many respects.” The launch of RElumio is meant to help correct that issue.

“Busy real estate agents want and need easy to use automated solutions to enhance their personal marketing and we are excited to work with DMAR and other forward-thinking REALTOR associations and MLS organizations who understand the need to help their members remain highly competitive in an industry full of disruption.”

Email Jim Dalrymple II

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