Under What Circumstances Are You Willing To Negotiate Commission?

Under What Circumstances Are You Willing To Negotiate Commission?

Teams are growing, changing and evolving rapidly, as new agent ranks swell, prices rise and uncertainty is ever-present. May is Teams Month here at Inman. Come along with us as we delve into teams today. Follow along with our weekly email newsletter Teams Beat to stay in the loop all year, sent every Thursday, sign up now.

Pulse is a recurring column where we ask for readers’ takes on varying topics in a weekly survey and report back with our findings.

For some agents and brokers, the very idea of negotiating commission is taboo, the client conversation that must never be spoken of at all. For others, negotiation, even on commission, is always on the table, especially in hyper-competitive markets. It generates heated debate and frustration on both sides, and it’s the subject of intense scrutiny right now.

This week, we wanted to know: Under what circumstances would you be willing to negotiate commission? Is it a “never have I ever” situation with you or is it something you’re willing to discuss? Do you have a patented answer at the tip of your tongue when someone asks or do you just say no? Tell us all the details below.

We’ll post our findings with the top answers next week on Tuesday.

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